Warriors Athletics
Southfield Public Schools
Featured Athletes
5.0 years ago
September 2018
Sport/Position: Varsity Football
Accomplishments: Leon is holding a 4.0 G.P.A. and it a two-way starter on the varsity football team.
Quote from Coach: "Leon was able to play at a high level on both offense and defense, he maintains an A average, this earned him an offer from Valparaiso during the month of September." -Coach Conley
Fun Facts:
5.0 years ago
September 2018
Sport/Position: Varsity Volleyball
Accomplishments: Krista is holding a holding strong a 3.6 G.P.A. and is playing excellent on the court.
Quote from Coach: "What a great example of a Southfield A&T Warriors on and off the court, with impeccable character. Not to mention her strong volleyball skills." -Coach Love
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